Sling News 2024
Initial Concepting
The ask for this campaign was to develop creative to support strategic territories with various and distinct tones to highlight the brand’s value and flexibility. Leveraging the ‘approachable, yet unexpected’ brand personality, we created custom AI imagery to depict American Icons as members of a modern society going about their day in somewhat mundane surroundings.
The intent is to communicate the patriotic duty of a citizen to stay informed through Sling’s live news coverage in a breakthrough format that was devoid of the usual array of talking heads, newsrooms, or impact graphics.
My role included running the brainstorming sessions, art directing initial concepting and refinement, and assisting with deck construction, write-ups, and presentation.

Abe and Lady Liberty were selected for in-market use at various levels of the funnel. Cross-platform assets were created by in-house production designers who utilized Figma templates I developed for rapid versioning and deployment.
Campaign Evolution
After the successful impact of the initial campaign, we evolved the concept to reference the heightened stakes of the 2024 election season without directly alluding to any particular party or candidate by contrasting the ‘crazy news’ with the sane prices of Sling.
Both campaign directions were produced in individual sprints of 2 weeks, with the creative being hailed as some of the best work the executive leadership team has been presented to date, and signifies a uniquely crafted visual angle to complement Sling’s current brand personality.
The results were also a unanimous success and testament to the power of generative AI as a creative tool, having reduced production time by 50% with no external costs that a traditional photoshoot would’ve incurred. The in-market performance was similar, boasting a 50% less cost-per-action and a 35% increase in new subscribers for the targeted news demographics.